Look out world.... Here I come
Well it's official. I am a real-live-honest-to-goodness-adult. I started working full-time, got a new desk, ordered business cards and had the "now-that-you-are-working-full-time" talk with my boss. (Which by the way went really well. I'll be focusing on program management, product development and business development. Doesn't that sound so important? I wish I knew what I was doing!)
Tonight, as the cherry to top it all off, I bought a PDA. And we all know that aside from nerdy business majors who think that their papers are so pressing they have to have a PDA to organize them all, that adults own PDAs. So by virtue of my PDA ownership, I am an adult. Nevermind that the service I got at Circuit City and Best Buy proved that I still look 15. Really, who's going to buy a PDA that the sales person can't turn on? No, just explaining what it does is not enough. Hurray for the folks at Franklin Covey who will help you once you ask and look completely confused and lost.
So now with a college degree and a PDA I am poised to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Can I retire now? These 40 hours a week are really cutting into my life.
Tonight, as the cherry to top it all off, I bought a PDA. And we all know that aside from nerdy business majors who think that their papers are so pressing they have to have a PDA to organize them all, that adults own PDAs. So by virtue of my PDA ownership, I am an adult. Nevermind that the service I got at Circuit City and Best Buy proved that I still look 15. Really, who's going to buy a PDA that the sales person can't turn on? No, just explaining what it does is not enough. Hurray for the folks at Franklin Covey who will help you once you ask and look completely confused and lost.
So now with a college degree and a PDA I am poised to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
Can I retire now? These 40 hours a week are really cutting into my life.