Old, Comfy Shoes

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I Am Such A Baby

Ok. So I was a baby when I was sick, but I thought - "Hey. At least I'm not a baby when it comes to pain. I can handle that."

Not so much.

Today I threw out my neck and pulled a million and seventeen muscles. Instead of sucking it up and walking it off (Like I would have told everyone else to do), I rescheduled my final, called into work, rushed to the doctor and then curled up on the couch.

I do have company though. Toi, our raccoon warrior, is really old and I think he is dying. We are both sleeping the day away.

And I ate two ice cream sandwhiches. Yum. I just wish they would have better things on daytime TV. Do people really watch this stuff?

Oh wait. Perry just left Kelly for Veronica but Perry may be related to one of them and still has that murder rap to deal with. I gotta go.
