Old, Comfy Shoes

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I go to Bible Study with some awesome guys whos first reaction, when confronted with unusual and slightly scary situations, is to pray. Thanks for being a great example guys!

Overheard between two coworkers today:

Scott: Stephen, tell me if this has ever happened to you. Have you ever woken up in the morning to realize that you slept with your mouth open and your throat is dry? All you want is something to drink.

Stephen: Yeah.

Scott: So you go downstairs and you open the fridge and decide grapefruit juice would be wonderful. Have you ever thought while drinking it, "I sure wish I could have some alcohol in my grapefruit juice, because that would just get my day started off right"?

Stephen: Can't say that I have.

Scott: Well its not a good idea This morning I had some grapefruit juice that had been in there for way too long and it was definitely fermented. Not good at all. I really don't think that we will be seeing Ruby Red Grapefruit Wine anytime soon.

I'm getting sick and I am being a real baby about it. Which is why I left work 1 1/2 hours early today. I never thought of myself as a baby when it comes to be sick, but today I realized that I am. Oh well. This cold is killing me anyway. I need to go to bed....
