God Answers Prayers
I have a cool God-story.
The project with the Boys and Girls center is winding down. As part of our grade we are required to get media coverage of our project. This is hard to do!
Three weeks ago I was praying that God would provide some media coverage for us. The NEXT DAY the Daily News called and wanted to do a feature article on our work. They did a phone interview with me and were going to come out that Saturday to get pictures of us painting the room. I was so excited! That night at my team meeting I told my group how God had answered my prayer. I'm not sure everyone saw it so much as an answer to prayer as just good luck... but whatever.
So Saturday came and went and no photographer. None. Which meant no media coverage. Which meant my group saw God NOT answer a prayer. I was confused.
God, what are You doing? I don't understand. This would have been a great opportunity to show my team that You do care about the little things, that You do answer prayers. Now they think You don't come through.
I was talking with Tamara about how frustrated I was. I just couldn't understand what lesson I was supposed to learn here. She pointed out that the reputation of God's name was on the line and I needed to tell Him that.
I start praying some more. Praying specifically that the Daily News would cover our story so that my group could see God work. Last night I left a message with the reporter around midnight to let him know we would be doing some more work at the Boys and Girls Club today. All day I was praying that they would show up.
And they did. And took pictures.
God does answers prayers. Even small ones.
The project with the Boys and Girls center is winding down. As part of our grade we are required to get media coverage of our project. This is hard to do!
Three weeks ago I was praying that God would provide some media coverage for us. The NEXT DAY the Daily News called and wanted to do a feature article on our work. They did a phone interview with me and were going to come out that Saturday to get pictures of us painting the room. I was so excited! That night at my team meeting I told my group how God had answered my prayer. I'm not sure everyone saw it so much as an answer to prayer as just good luck... but whatever.
So Saturday came and went and no photographer. None. Which meant no media coverage. Which meant my group saw God NOT answer a prayer. I was confused.
God, what are You doing? I don't understand. This would have been a great opportunity to show my team that You do care about the little things, that You do answer prayers. Now they think You don't come through.
I was talking with Tamara about how frustrated I was. I just couldn't understand what lesson I was supposed to learn here. She pointed out that the reputation of God's name was on the line and I needed to tell Him that.
I start praying some more. Praying specifically that the Daily News would cover our story so that my group could see God work. Last night I left a message with the reporter around midnight to let him know we would be doing some more work at the Boys and Girls Club today. All day I was praying that they would show up.
And they did. And took pictures.
God does answers prayers. Even small ones.