Old, Comfy Shoes

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My Car

I've had some interesting adventures with my car lately.

The first one occurred on Friday. I was in a rush to pack for the leadership retreat and almost forgot to pack my deodorant. I grabbed the new stick at the last moment and threw it in my car. I didn't put it in my bag because I figured it would melt in the trunk. However, putting it on the front seat only allowed it to bake in the sun.

I came back to my car to find a puddle, yes a puddle, of melted deodorant in my front seat. I freaked out and grabbed some napkins and in the process dropped my cell phone in the puddle. GROSS! I grabbed the phone and then picked up the deodorant case. This only managed to allow more melted Dove deodorant to drip all over my car and me. Let me tell you: melted deodorant is the hardest thing ever to get out of fabrics. It acts like cornstarch. As soon as you press on it, it gets hard. There is still deodorant on my front seat. Every passenger who rides with me leaves with a backside that smells powder fresh, which according to Amberly is how they are supposed to smell.

On Sunday Monica and I were leaving the library and I couldn't find my keys. Yep. I locked them in my car. There's nothing like looking through your window to see your keys laying there on the front seat, taunting you. I swore my keys did a little you-can't-get-me dance. I think they were getting high on the powder freshness of the deodorant. I almost broke the window. Monica was nice enough to drive me home and wait while I scoured the house for the spare key.

Hurray for cars!
