Silenced Questions
It came as a whisper. A hushed secret told in shame and concern. She was doubting. A friend of mine was questioning her faith. We were both juniors in High School; old enough to know that good Baptist girls did not doubt. We should be teaching Sunday school classes, not questioning whether or not this whole God and Jesus thing was for real.
My time of doubting came a year and a half later, between my senior year of high school and my freshman year at college. Did I really want to follow this God my parents had taught me so much about? I had already trusted Him with the forgiveness of my sins, but could I really trust Him with the rest of my life? I kept my doubts a secret. I knew that questioning my faith was one step away from burning in hell. (or so I thought) Besides that, all my friends were heading to college with dreams of being missionaries and pastors. I told God that I would be anything BUT a missionary. I didn’t quite fit in.
The fear we Christians have in people questioning their faith surprises me. We don’t talk about our own doubts and questions and people who share theirs should be pitied. If we truly believed that God is God and Jesus is the only way to Heaven, we shouldn’t fear questions. Truth is truth. Questions will not shake that.
I believe scripture teaches absolute truth. A person seeking truth will eventually have no choice but to settle for a lie or believe in God. I know that’s a bold statement to make, but it’s one that I am staking my whole life on. If people must choose between God or a lie, then questions about truth should be encouraged, not quieted. Eventually the questions will lead a seeker to God. My questions led me to God.
When we tell people to silent their questions and doubts we paint a picture of a God who is too insecure to handle difficult questions. Don’t ask that…God may not be able to answer and that would embarrass Him. God doesn’t need our pity and protection. He’s bigger than our questions. Our doubts and lack of understanding do not shake the confidence of God. God is God irregardless of our questions.
If we continue to ask people to follow God without owning it, without questioning exactly what they believe, without testing the truth of God, we ask them not to follow God, but a religion. And to follow it blindly. I don’t think Christ died for that.
I haven’t gotten all my questions answered. Some things I believe because I have to believe or I would go crazy. It’s like gravity. I can’t explain why gravity exists or really how it works, but I believe that gravity will hold me to the earth. I have to. Otherwise I would go crazy with the fear of flying off into space. Some things I believe because I questioned and received answers that pointed to God. No. It doesn’t always make sense. But that’s ok. God’s not afraid of my questions.