Old, Comfy Shoes

Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Random Find

It was the first time that I realized that my little safe suburb community was marred with a dark side. It was a taste of reality. I think it was then that I first thought that being a police officer must be a cool job.

It was a sunny day and we were on our way to the baby-sitter's when the brief case flew out of the window of the truck in front of us. We were only about a mile from my house and not quite to the nursing home. The case bounced a few times and then landed open. Money began to blow out of it as cars drove past. My mom stopped and gathered some of the bills, shut the case and put it in our van. We drove to the baby-sitter's house and called the police. They came and questioned my mom. I remember that scaring me. What if they took her away? They determined that it was drug money. Maybe they found drugs in it, maybe not. I can't remember. Fortunately, the guy in his haste to be rid of the money, left his wallet in the briefcase. My mom was cleared from any suspicion and the guy was soon arrested.

It was a random experience. Not one that is supposed to happen in my town, but one that I remember until today. I mean, how many other kid's moms find drug money? That's pretty cool.
