Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, April 24, 2005

a boring update for the sake of posting

It turned cold again. I should have expected it. Ohio weather never stays constant. But I was hoping that we had skipped over the rainy, chilly spring and had moved right into the warm, sunny summer. Not so much. Oh well.

Yesterday I went to a women's mini-retreat/brunch at my church. I really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure I would. All-girls events either go really well or really horrible. Girls can be incredibly encouraging or incredibly judgmental. Yesterday was encouraging. I got to meet some very cool ladies who had very interesting life stories. We worshipped together and I think it is so beautiful to hear only female voices singing praise songs.

This is my last weekend that I will be in town. The next four weekends I will be traveling to either Kentucky, the other side of Ohio or Florida. Things are going to get crazy.....
