Old, Comfy Shoes

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


My mom was talking about her Bible study and they are studying Ecclesiastes. It can be a downer book. In her words "It's all vanity anyway!" Not really motivating to strive for a job or a new career.

I have to say that I agree with my mom. I look at what I learn in college and it's good, but not important. I mean in the scope of eternity achieving above average returns on your innovative product investment really doesn't seem to matter. I can't really get excited about it. At my job, will it really matter if there is one more company in the world that can sell resin? I can't see that it does.

Some days it feels like we as humans have made up things to do so that we can have work to do. We've created work for ourselves. How much of all the work that we do HAS to get done for survival to continue? Very little. My job has lost the excitement it first held.

What would I rather be doing you ask? Lots of things. Working with kids down at the Boys and Girls Club. Training people to get jobs and beat homelessness. Sharing with an international student about my faith. Painting a house for an elderly lady. Feeding a struggling family. Those things make a difference.

I feel like I have skills that could be used in much better ways. In ways that would truly make a difference in this world for Christ, because really, I could care less about profit margins for our 1st quarter.
