Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, March 13, 2005


So it's finals week and I should be studying. But I'm not. I am completely and 100% unmotivated. I know that this test tomorrow will kick my butt if I don't study, but I don't seem to care. Did I mention I can get B's and C's the rest of college and still graduate with the GPA I want? Not that the A-student inside of me will accept that, I just may start to care after finals. Oh well.

I finally got to swing dance this weekend. It had been over a month. Some great dancers came in and taught a workshop this weekend. I took the Collegiate Shag 1 and 2 classes. It was a lot of fun and a great workout for my calves.

While I am unmotivated to study, I am motivated to start wearing skirts while swing dancing. They just look so cool when the girl spins around. Very elegant and feminine. This means that I need to get new shoes. I currently have cheap tennis shoes that have been re-soled with some kind of leather. Yeah. Tennis shoes and a skirt. MAJOR DORK. I need to get dressier dance shoes and then I can go to fancier dances.

I danced with this one guy last night who pretty much beat me up on the dance floor. He managed to slam my arm into my nose for 3 out of the 4 consecutive turns he led. He then told me that I needed to follow better. Dude! Following your lead got me punched! Oh well. He's not from around here and I doubt I will ever have to dance with him again.

I do need to learn how to "mis-read" a lead into a dip. Some girls are really good at just spinning out of them. I never think about getting out of a dip until my head is almost on the floor. I'm ok with some guys dipping me, but not ones I don't know. I mean, I really don't want to be dropped on my head (which one guy almost did last night).

So that's my boring ramblings about finals and swing dancing. I wanted to post a really deep post about what God is teaching me and my thoughts on churches, but maybe some other time. It was time for a fluff post.
