Old, Comfy Shoes

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Some Went, Some Stayed

I go to church with a guy who is in the process of selling all of his possessions in preparation of moving to Namibia. He's going to be the project coordinator for a church plant my church is a partner in. I am so very excited for him. It is wonderful to see people leave everything to run where God calls them. The excitement and the fear of leaping in faith into the unknown are eclipsed by the blessings God showers upon obedience. I love seeing people go.

It's hard to go. But for some it's harder to stay. It's hard to be obedient to "Wait" when all they want to do is leave everything behind and go.

I have a friend who is being told to wait. She's frustrated with staying here. She longs to go serve where her heart is because it's not always here. She, however, is being obedient by staying, waiting and looking for opportunities to serve where she is. She's encouraging me and others around her to trust God even when life is a little boring; there are still lessons to be learned. She sees each day as a chance to seek God more. I love spending time with her.

So while it is exciting to see people go, it is a blessing to see people wait in obedience. God has been teaching me to pray, not just for those who have gone, but for those who have yet to be sent. For the people who are waiting for God's perfect timing and not really understanding it, but being obedient just the same.
