Old, Comfy Shoes

Monday, January 24, 2005

Is It Thursday?

So I had a post about eating green beans with chop sticks and a Chinese women making fun of me but my computer froze and it is gone. No. I'm not re-typing it. Sorry.

Instead I just wanted to let you know that It is done! The Talk is finished. The power point is e-mailed, the notes are typed and all that is left to do is practice saying it all.

I am speaking at the campus ministry meeting on Thursday. I have gone from stressing over it to just ignoring it and back to stressing. Finally, my friend Ben stressed enough about it for me that I was able to finish all my preparation without much pressure. So now I am done early. It's Monday and I am ready for Thursday. That is three whole days early! Nevermind that I am winging a presentation in class on Wednesday. I am ready for Thursday.

Woop Woop!
