Old, Comfy Shoes

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Can You Feel the Christmas Spirit....

I have met the nicest people this holiday season. First it was the person who stole my comforter and then it was the angry-flip-me-off guy. Last night I met an angry man who was uber-sensitive about his car. Chris, Emily and I were walking out our car and we walked past a car with the gas door opened. So I reached over and shut it. Well apparently the driver did not appreciate my act of kindness, because he pulled up next to us and starts yelling at us for hitting his car. Even when we try and explain what happened he continues to yell about how we were banging on his car. I end our part of the conversation by yelling "MERRY CHRISTMAS" at him and we get in our car and drive off. He sat there for a little while, Cushing us out. He then tried to follow us but we eluded him. See if I ever try and help someone out again!

Have you ever wondered who buys Christmas tins? Most people I know just reuse tins that were given to them. New goodies are placed inside and the gift is passed on.

So what kind of people actually buy the tins in the first place?
