Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Your Name is Mud

Several interesting things happened this weekend. It was a weekend of mud, new names and graduation.

Our mud volleyball team tore it up on Saturday and we all had a blast. Unfortunately we didn't do well enough to advance to the finals, but we were close. Kudos to all the people from work who played. There isn't anything much more enjoyable than watching Randy get a face full of mud as he dives for the ball or seeing Bob somersault out of the mud pit.

Saturday night I renamed two people. I have issues with remembering people's names, so I just call them by the name that I think they look like. Normally people are ok with this and eventually I remember their real name. I renamed Josh, Nick, on Saturday. He didn't respond to Nick very well so we settled on on Adam, his middle name. But I now feel the need to call him Josh, because he pointed out that Tamara and I introduced ourselves to him twice, with no clue that we had met him before. I felt so bad, but was soon put at ease when another Josh provided a valid excuse for Tamara and I - "It's not like they forgot you. It's just that they didn't think you were worth remembering." Thanks Josh. Thanks a lot.

I also dropped my statistics class and consequently my statistics minor this weekend. I now can graduate in June. I am so excited. World, here I come! Not that I feel like I've really learned anything in my years in college or have a clue as to what I want to do with my degree. But I will be a college graduate dang-it!
