Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, September 12, 2004

No Real Point to This Post

Well my dresser is done. It turned out beautifully. If I had a digital camera I would post a picture of it up here. But I don't, so I won't.

I finally got all the clothes that had been lying on my floor into the dresser. There are always clothes on my floor but this was the first time I've had a good excuse for it. Now you would think that this would be a good time to organize my sock and underwear drawer. It would be. I started to organize everything (Although, I never planned on matching the socks. That's a bit extreme) but that just got too boring and I ended up dumping everything into the drawer. It's a comforting thing to have wrinkled P.J.s.


I must give mad props to Scott for being the most random person I know. We had a 20 min conversation this weekend about Midgets and Oompa Loompas. It takes a truly unique person to do that. Hurray for Scott.

Props must also be given to Kyle for letting me rename him. He looks more like a Kyle than his original name anyway.


Apparently, I used to be more harsh and blunt towards people. I've forgotten a lot of it - but I have friends who remind me. I guess I once told Phil that there were too many people dying and going to hell to waste time getting to know him one on one. And people wonder why we never dated. Sorry Phil.


Today I managed to spill 55 cups of cold coffee on my foot. It also covered the fellowship hall floor. Thank goodness we have a super maintaince guy at my church. He was there like 2 sec after it happened and had it cleaned up in another 37. He's good. But my shoes still smell like a mix between coffee and feet. Kinda gross.
