Old, Comfy Shoes

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Freshman Moment

How's my dresser going? Well let me tell you.


The drawers didn't turn out at all. I am so mad. All those burns and sore wrists for crappy looking dresser drawers. Stupid paint.

Anyway. Today was the first day of classes. I wasn't ready for classes to start at all. This morning I was scrambling around for paper and searching for a pencil. It didn't really feel like the first day of classes either. For my whole life, on the first day of school, it has rained. No rain today, cloudy, but no rain. They should have cancelled classes. It was really nice to see everyone at school though.

I had three classes today. All three of them have group projects. If you remember, I don't particularly like group projects. This quarter should be fun.

There are TONS of freshman at school. TONS. This should be a perfect way to tie into telling my best "freshman moment" but I can't think of a non-cheesy way to do that. So I'm just going to tell you.

My greatest freshman moment occurred when I was a sophomore. A freshman moment is defined as a time when I completely made a fool of myself on campus. There are many of these. This particular time happened in the tunnels of our school. I had missed my tunnel and had to turn around. When you turn around in the tunnels it is obvious that you are lost and people mutter things like "stupid freshman, get a map."

So I turn around and as I do, my traitorous backpack decides to come unzipped, sending all my things flying. Of course everyone found this extremely funny and laughed. I did not.

I didn't see any great freshman moments like that today. Too bad. I could have used the laugh.
