Old, Comfy Shoes

Monday, September 27, 2004

Clean Again

I found my DESK!!!!

This is an monumental event because my desk has been gone for the last 4 months. Summer caused it to go missing. Slowly a a mass of random papers and bills that "I would get to later" covered my workspace. But that was ok, because I wasn't supposed to work during summer.

People thought that I was too busy this summer to return e-mails or sign on AIM but the reality was that I didn't want to sit at my desk. When I sat there I felt guilty for allowing such a mess to build up. Luckily I have a laptop and could pull it off my desk and sit on the floor with my back to the accusatory piece of furniture.

Last weekend I lost my credit card and I was sure it was in the mess. But the piles frightened and intimidated me so instead of looking for the credit card I cancelled it. (I later found the card in my baby-Bible I take to school. I think God is trying to tell me something.)

Well now school has started and I need my desk. Plus cleaning it was better than doing homework. So I tackled the piles with boldness and determination and won.

My desk is reclaimed and I now have no excuse not to do homework.

Maybe the piles weren't so bad.
