What Matters
Here's a little more clarity for my last post. I know I said I wouldn't write any more personal entries, but well.... I am. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Ever read a passage of scripture that stopped you cold? You couldn't skim over it, nod your Christian "Amen" and continue as you were. You had to stop. Re-read it. Read it again. Sit there as the meaning sank in. Then sit there some more as the implications of what the passage said hit you. That was my meeting with Jer. 9:23-24 today.
When it is all said and done, all that matters, all that is worth boasting about, is how much I know Christ. That's it. Period. Everything else is peripheral and superfluous.
I can get the best education, climb to the top at my job, have people stop and say "Wow. There's Andi. She really did it." and not have it mean a dang thing if I don't know Christ.
I could go into details as to how I forgot it, and how God showed me I was wrong. But that really doesn't matter. My goal isn't to tell you my story, but Christ's and what matters in that story is knowing Him.
How easily I forget that.
Ever read a passage of scripture that stopped you cold? You couldn't skim over it, nod your Christian "Amen" and continue as you were. You had to stop. Re-read it. Read it again. Sit there as the meaning sank in. Then sit there some more as the implications of what the passage said hit you. That was my meeting with Jer. 9:23-24 today.
When it is all said and done, all that matters, all that is worth boasting about, is how much I know Christ. That's it. Period. Everything else is peripheral and superfluous.
I can get the best education, climb to the top at my job, have people stop and say "Wow. There's Andi. She really did it." and not have it mean a dang thing if I don't know Christ.
I could go into details as to how I forgot it, and how God showed me I was wrong. But that really doesn't matter. My goal isn't to tell you my story, but Christ's and what matters in that story is knowing Him.
How easily I forget that.