Old, Comfy Shoes

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Mean Things About You

Some people don't appreciate John Piper. So here is another post. Since I have nothing really to post on my blog - I'll just write mean things about people. That sounds like fun.

But maybe not.

So instead I'll enlighten you on the art to "Getting a Life".

1. Buy an RV. Seriously. It's the only way to go.

2. After that I guess the sky is the limit. You have a life. Congratulations.

What you do with it is up to you.

Let's go over some options you have.

1. Professional Noodling.

2. Solve the world's "plumber crack" problems.

3. Join the Jingle Bell Mafia. (Registration required)

Well that should get you started. Enjoy your life!
