Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Delta Queen Kappa Scoot

Justin owns a yappy little dog. A Papillon to be specific. One night some of us were chillin at his crib, bored out of our mind. We decide to rent a movie. Much to everyone's chagrin, Amberly and I volunteer to go pick out a movie. People have been hesitant to send us out on errands ever since we were sent to pick up snacks and came back with salsa and grapes (it made sense at Kroger). And then there was the time we took Justin's car and changed all the radio pre-sets to the lite-rock station....

Anyway, about the time we decide to go get a movie Zach (also known as yappy little dog) runs in the room and Amberly and I decide to take him as Amberly's "seeing eye dog". We figure Hollywood Video will probably kick us out, but there's a Blockbuster fairly close by.

We get to Hollywood Video, Amberly dons my sunglasses, I lead her in, and Zach yaps around our feet. We expect to be asked to leave; we had our arguments all planned out. But instead the clerk says, "That's a cute dog."

What?!!? There is no way she really thinks Amberly is blind. No freakin' way. But apparently she does because when I run out to the car Amberly and the clerk have a great conversation. Amberly turns her back to the clerk and starts to talk to her.

"Ma'am, I'm over here."

"Oh, sorry about that."

"That's ok. You can hold on the counter if you would like."


She really believed it. It took all we had not to burst into laughter in the store.

That is my favorite Amberly/Andi (also known as Scooter and the Queen) story. Amberly is leaving for summer missions next Friday. I am going to miss her soooo much!

To the lady in Kohl's: Side ponytails went out a long time ago. Let the 80's die.
