Old, Comfy Shoes

Saturday, May 29, 2004

When God Laughs at Me

This is an article I wrote for my church's web-site.

I do stupid things. I admit it. There are times when my brain checks out and I am left wandering around making a fool of myself. It is at these times when I know God must be laughing at me; when I would have appeared more intelligent if I had dressed up in an ape suit and begged for bananas instead of doing . These times are small reminders that He is God, and I am not.

I make no claims to being gorgeous; I will leave that and all the headaches that go with it to someone else, but I must admit that there was a day when I thought I looked especially good. I had a new outfit, new hair color and new shoes; I had it all together. I was pondering how good I looked and how many compliments I would get on my stunning new clothes as I was out running errands. I even practiced my I-look-good-and-can-take-on-the-world walk. You know the one. Head held high, arms swinging with purpose, the sideways glances to see who is noticing you. That walk. I was on top of the world.

Well being on top of the world requires a lot of thought about your looks and several sideways glances. These were soon interupted by the plate of glass pressed against my face. Yep, you got it. I good-looking walked right into the exit doors of Kroger. Everyone was looking at me then. At that moment, I knew God was laughing at me, and that little voice inside whispered, "Vanity hurts." Yes, it does, like a banged forehead.

This is just one time that God, in all His irony, took me down a couple notches to where I needed to be. A friend of mine remarked that she had never thought about God having a sense of humor. I figure He must have one, to put up with me and all my quirks. Thankfully, God's brain never checks out, and He never does stupid things like I do. I praise Him for being big enough to handle my struggles in loving and funny ways.
