Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, May 23, 2004

My Family Sings in Whale

Yes. My family sang "Happy Birthday" to me in whale. (See finding Nemo if you have no clue how to speak whale.) I love my goofy family.

My Papaw was a very funny guy. This is another great story about him that happened before my time, while my mom was still in school.

They lived on a fairly busy road. Well busy for New Paris, anyway. One day Papaw was out mowing his lawn and had taken his shirt off. It wasn't too long after he started on the front yard that a car driving by slammed on their brakes and almost fish-tailed off the road. Papaw had no clue why until my Mamaw yelled out the door, "Leo, you look naked."

He indeed did look naked, mowing his grass in beige shorts.

He got a huge kick out of that and I'm sure all of New Paris did as well.
