Old, Comfy Shoes

Sunday, May 16, 2004

I'm So Confused..But So Awake!

If you have never been white water rafting - you should go. It is tons of fun! It's the adrenaline rush of knowing that you have braved nature's fury and survived. It's the sheer terror and excitement of going underwater and hoping you come back up. It's the exhaustion of spent energy trying to stay afloat. And that's just the lazy river float, wait til you get out on the real river where arm floaties are not allowed.

No seriously, rafting is a lot of fun. I've been twice and loved it! I'm hoping to go again this summer. The last time I went I had a blast! I went with some great people down to the New River in West Virginia (yes I keep ending up in that state).

It was on that trip that the best quote ever was said:
"I'm so confused....but so awake."

We had just returned to the house we were staying in after a full day of rafting. We were so tired! Since I was driving, I made a point to take a nap. You know those times when you are so tired, that even waking up is too much work? You end up just saying stupid things that make sense in your head, but not to anyone else? Yeah I was that tired.

Well I was naping when some people come in to wake me up - it was time to leave to see the 4th of July fireworks. One of the people who were waking me up was Matt. This for some reason confused me and the thought process in my head went something like this:

There is a guy in my room.
There wasn't a guy in here when I went to sleep.
He's not supposed to be here.
It doesn't make sense that he's in here.
He must not be in the room and I am just imagining it.
I'm going to go back to sleep.

At this point I realize that I have been talking for quite some time now. I've been carrying on a conversation with Tammy, the other person in the room. I have no idea what I have been saying, or what I am saying to her now. I forget about the "imaginary" guy in my room and focus on Tammy.

She keeps telling me something about how I need to get up, and people are waiting to leave, and I just keep asking stupid questions that make no sense. In desperation I blurt out, "I am so confused."
Tammy offers to let me wake up more and then come back and talk to me. I get mad at this and respond with,
"But I'm so awake."
And continue my nonsense babbling.

It was then that I figured out that Matt was in my room and I wasn't imagining him, because he fell over in laughter at the foot of my bed.

I wish I could remember what other things I said.
