Old, Comfy Shoes

Monday, May 17, 2004

If I Have To Share...

My brother, when he was about 4 yrs old, was preparing to enjoy a popcicle. This was one of those popcicles that were two popcicles frozen together, so you could break it apart for double the frozen goodness. Getting to eat both sides of the popcicle was always a treat - unfortunatly the even number of us kids (4) always required us to share. It was a big day when we got to eat both popcicles, almost as big as getting our own fry or drink at McDonald's.

It was the last popcicle and Nate was instructed to share it with Bryan. He, like any other self-respecting greedy kid would, argued against this. But my parent's didn't raise no selfish kids. We were taught to share with others and not to eat snacks in front of people without sharing.

So Nate, realizing he can't get out of having to share, promptly walked over to the trash can and threw the popcicle away. Problem solved.

In a large family, you find the loop holes in rules fairly quickly.

Amberly opened the door and almost got into a stranger's car yesterday. I was laughing too hard to tell her that it wasn't mine.

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